
My Mom's Journey

It’s crazy how my permanent make up and tattooing story began. In my early 30s I began the journey of having a weight loss surgery, and as the 200 + pounds melted off of me, I used tattoos as a way to cover up my surgical scars and celebrate my new body. It was a way to bring in a new me and celebrate this right of passage. However, as time went on, I watched the women that I love the most struggle to feel beautiful as they battled with fluctuating hormones, mature eye site, and hypersensitive skin. Putting on makeup became an impossibility. Is this what I have to look forward to? I set out on a year-long quest to find the perfect make up artist for my mother. She had several skin concerns and really wanted to be able to restore her eyebrows and lip pigment. She struggled daily with her vision. Being able to see precisely enough to apply make up in her 70s was a challenge. She is still active sweat interacting with skin products became an issue. As her hormones fluctuated hair sparseness in her eyebrows became an even bigger issue. I went for one of the more expensive artist, because I really wanted to make sure that my mom was handled with care. I sat in the room with her the whole time, spent over $1200 and after several attempts and six months later my mother still had no eyebrows.

I couldn’t send her back to the artist that I have paid dearly for so what could I do?

The only option that was left was to become the artist that I was looking for. I put myself through tattoo school, working a full time job as a healthcare provider, going through a divorce with a torn rotator cuff ,bicep, and a broken nose

My mother was my first client and guess what?

My mom still has eyebrows. Finally a procedure that works! And it can work for you, too.

The best part is the smile on her face after she sees them. Her confidence is obvious. Wouldn’t you agree?

